We believe in the beauty of STORY and that a picture should hold moments worth remembering. This is why we work hard to create authentic sessions that capture you and the story that is uniquely yours. There could be no better investment than the gift of presence, truly celebrating the moments we are given today and creating memories to withstand time.
by pekuna hong
Our style captures movement and life being lived. The little things that we sometimes don’t even know we will miss, the little things that will never be the same but will always be a part of us…like the touch of a hand, or the gaze of loving eyes. Sometimes we don’t know what our story looks like until we see it in an image. It can make us see ourselves, our family, our world…in such a new way. The magic, the chaos, the blessings, the struggles and the joy. Because joy isn’t known through everything being perfect and exactly the way we thought it should be.. joy is known by enduring the struggles and triumphing in the greatest moments for the reasons and people we love. Life is messy and so are we. Messy, fun, crazy but also mellow and reflective…our style strives to pull the emotion out of our session and really capture all we can to celebrate you without it feeling like we are trying to be anyone except yourselves.
Learn more about our packages HERE.
My name is Pekuna Hong. Married to my love, Steven Hong. My waterman who hates being in front of a camera and spends every minute he has with his ohana. We have 6 Keiki that keep us busy and drive us to do better everyday. Keep us crazy enough to keep dreaming, believing and creating.
A LOT OF PEOPLE WONDER WHY KICKING BIRD? When I met my husband he knew me as Jazmin, my first name, but I would introduce myself to everyone else as Pekuna. They’d always ask me what Pekuna meant after saying my name 5 times trying to get it right. It was a name I was given by my ohana before I was born which literally means to kick a lot, but my Grandma said it also meant to stand up strongly for what you believe in, with a kick. After hearing me explain that a few times he started calling me his Kicking Bird and he still calls me that when I am being difficult. It’s always stuck with me and reminds me of my name whenever I hear it… Standing up for what I believe in, doing what I love and providing for my family while doing it. It always makes me remember my why, my community, my lahui and where I come from.
Image by Mahina Choy