An inspirational workshop inspired by the them Papa Heals, referring to Papa, our Mother earth, Kamanaiki Ridge, which can be seen from Hooulu Aina and the valley of Kalihi which I often look to as the rain from Kaneohe heads to the Koolau and often hovers above the mountains, and one corner of the Kalihi side of the Koolau can be seen from my hale always catching the light of the sun setting and the clouds that spin around that peak. This print represents the wealth of water from this valley and the beauty of its peaks and stories it holds.
Guided by these lines Everyone carved their own manao into their stamps and we all created a beautiful unique image that connects us all forever! So beautiful!

The original piece before it got divided up and everyone added their own moolelo to them.

We love kids in our workshops, especially kids that are maa to using tools!

Kamanaiki behind the wall of Ki

For this workshop we got to show everyone the group image and cut it in front of them so they could see the whole process

Artists at work

My little woodworker

Mother and son

If I see smiles I know we are on the right track!

Rolling up on the kakou print


The finished products always come out a little different. One of my favorite things is seeing the variations in everyones print