Na Kumu o Kanuikapono
This workshop was a personal enrichment day for the Teachers. It was a great way for the teachers to get a special day to be creative with each other and also create something to use for their class use. The theme was mea kanu, plant. All their classes had a plant that represented their year so I encouraged them to bring in that plant or a piece of it to inspire their work. You could tell this was the breath of fresh air everyone needed and it was so inspiring to work with these community leaders who lead amazing culture-rich keiki.



Printing flour sacs

ka lau koa

Printing her pua melia print


Everyone watching each other print. Its so fun to watch people go through this creative process and that is why I love teaching workshops. I always leave enriched and inspired!

The moment after someone prints to pause, look at what they just made! and then we access if theres anything we can do to print it better or try different techniques



This process is always the longest. drawing, thinking, erasing, drawing and thinking some more.
