Before everyone grabbed their block…

The final image!

Underneath that awesome food is a rainbow grained charcuterie board!!
Sis Team Tomi and Jojo! Its so cool to see how different or in this case, how similar, siblings art is. They were super geometrical and line-y. So beautiful! And Jojo is 7 months pregnant!
Mom and Daughters trio!! Loved watching these three make art together
This husband wife team was amazing! Men have so much fun making prints too. Its always daunting sitting in a room of women but this kane amazed us all with his art skills. How cute are they?! Such a fun date night idea Bran!

The color was amazing but we had to see how it would look in Black And White!
Missing a bunch of our attendees in this picture but mahalo hou to all who came!! And a big thank you to Lynn from BettyxJoe on Kihapai St. Kailua for opening up her store to us to create some amazing art!